NYS CTLE -Professional Development Requirements
NYS CTLE Requirements for Professional Certificates:
HELPFUL GOOGLE SLIDES PRESENTATIONS Accessing CTLE Hours From Frontline - Slide Presentation TEACH Account Website FAQ's - Slide Presentation LINKS FOR CTLE INFORMATION Office of Teaching Initiatives Registration and CTLE Requirements Chart CTLE Language Acquisition Requirements CTLE Record Keeping and Documentation Sample Individual Record (not to be submitted) LINKS FOR TEACH INFORMATION Information about registration is available through the following links. Both the ERCSD and the East Rampo Teachers Center are SED approved CTLE sponsors. If requested by SED you must be able to access your CTLE hours. You can request paper copies of CTLE Certificates of Completion or can have access to electronic copies of these certificates. Consider the reliability of a district's CTLE tracking system, (such as My Learning Plan), when determining if paper or electronic copies are preferable.
Page Last Updated: Jan 26, 2022 (19:16:07)